California Lottery

While at Superfad, I worked on a spot for the California Lottery directed by Richard Hickey. I was the 3D lead on this. With the timeline given, I knew that we had a challenge in articulating Richard’s vision. I had only worked with a few of the artists on the team, and at times wondered how we were going to finish this spot on time.  Eventually I got a little panicked, thinking we were going to run out of time just creating proper assets for this spot. Instead of asking for more help and delegating, I took on a bit too much work and spent too little time coordinating the effort. It was a good learning experience for me. I also really enjoyed everyone on the team, which is always a great bonus!

Andrew Soria, perceptive as he is, captured my once frazzled state with a beautiful drawing.

Everyone put in a solid effort and the client was very happy in the end. We certainly gave them all the latitude they wanted while not compromising the delivery. Thanks Superfad!