
I was born in Paris, France, and moved to California at the age of 14. My background is quite varied, having studied economics and Russian in college, and then catching the tail-end of the DotCom boom in the Bay Area. I decided to focus on design and computer graphics shortly thereafter, and enrolled in Gnomon’s certificate program in 2002. I have been working as a freelance 3D artist since. Besides my completion of a certificate program at Gnomon, I took watercolor and composition classes from painter Yuri Schevshik while I lived in Russia.

My work experience in graphics dates back to 1998 and spans a range of media, from print to video, games, and film. Ironically, my first design job was to create humorous smut magazine covers as props for an indie film. Already, I was involved in film effects, albeit in a strange way. Since, I have created business identities for individuals, small companies and large ones. My specialty in graphic design projects is to design subversive visuals that will constantly work for my clients and help them gain momentum. This could be for product branding, logo, or personal identity, to name some examples.

When it comes to 3D, I love creating environments, and definitely have done more set extension work than character work, although I am now mainly doing character work for film and commercials and am enjoying it. Texture painting and look development came pretty quickly for me, as my childhood hobby was painting miniatures and modelmaking. I also have done a fair bit of lighting and compositing for TV and features, working with various industry tools.

I have experience working on set, for effects survey, shooting with a RED, LIDAR scanning, and effects supervision at studios. I will moonlight on projects, whenever I have the time and energy. Here is my resume in PDF. I have more details on my professional experience on Linked-In and IMDB.

Download my resume (PDF)